User Story

A summary of a specific task performed by a user

A user story specifies what a user does with a solution and for what purpose.

User Story Examples

User stories introduce requirements details in a meaningful way to development stakeholders. A user story typically follows this template:

As a {person in a role}, I need to {perform a task} so that I can {fulfill a purpose}.

For example: As a business analyst, I need to create process maps so that I can show my understanding of a process to stakeholders.

User Story References

  • What’s the Story For?

    User stories bridge discovery and design, giving solution designers and developers the big picture of what customer users do within the scope of the solution.

  • Telling a Story in a Sentence

    A user story describes a process step in one sentence, saying who does what and why.

  • Flexing Stories Two Ways

    A business analyst or architect can extend user stories to specify what should happen when a process veers off the happy path.
